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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Thirteen is a Good Number

I'm thirteen today!

Okay, I'm really 35 years old but today marks THIRTEEN YEARS of me walking with and trusting in the Savior. Happy Spiritual Birthday to me!

Does that sound weird to you that I actually celebrate this event? Can I share why I purposely celebrate March 9th every year?

First, here's a conversation between my son, J-man and I that took place yesterday:

Me: I am so glad Jesus saved me from my sins, kids! I am so thankful that He saved me!

Joshua: Mommy, what did you use to worship before you worshipped God?

Me: Wow! That's an excellent question! Well, I use to worship myself sometimes. I would also worship other people or things at other times. That's the truth. But that's why I am so thankful that He saved me! You know what He did? He washed me clean from all my sin when I turned from my sin and trusted in Him!

Joshua: That had been a question I had always wanted to ask you.

So, I celebrate God's miraculous transformation in my life.
I remember that it was He who changed me... it was not my own doing.
I recall who I was prior to that precious day and where I was going had He not intervened.
I share with others the hope I have in Him.
And so, I celebrate... and trust Him to finish His work in me, despite me.

Yes, thirteen IS a good number!

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