Okay, I'm really 35 years old but today marks THIRTEEN YEARS of me walking with and trusting in the Savior. Happy Spiritual Birthday to me!
Does that sound weird to you that I actually celebrate this event? Can I share why I purposely celebrate March 9th every year?
First, here's a conversation between my son, J-man and I that took place yesterday:
Me: I am so glad Jesus saved me from my sins, kids! I am so thankful that He saved me!
Joshua: Mommy, what did you use to worship before you worshipped God?
Me: Wow! That's an excellent question! Well, I use to worship myself sometimes. I would also worship other people or things at other times. That's the truth. But that's why I am so thankful that He saved me! You know what He did? He washed me clean from all my sin when I turned from my sin and trusted in Him!
Joshua: That had been a question I had always wanted to ask you.
So, I celebrate God's miraculous transformation in my life.
I remember that it was He who changed me... it was not my own doing.
I recall who I was prior to that precious day and where I was going had He not intervened.
I share with others the hope I have in Him.
And so, I celebrate... and trust Him to finish His work in me, despite me.
Yes, thirteen IS a good number!
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